CASA Matheson Campus Worksheets

Download and print the worksheets for your child’s class.

Junior CASA

March 23-27

Math and Language

Extra worksheets


March 30-April 3

Math and Language


April 6 – 10

Math and Language


April 13 – 17

Math and Language


March 23- April 17

Math and Language


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4 




Senior CASA

March 23- April 17


Math Part 1

Math Part 2


CASA Curriculum

Our CASA curriculum has been developed over the past 19 years and is ever evolving to suit the needs of our students.

We believe that our curriculum is one of the most comprehensive and challenging available.

Our teachers take this curriculum and use a variety of teaching methods and resources to present it to the students. Through the use of Montessori materials as well as work books, work sheets, readers and the unlimited resources available on the internet, our curriculum comes to life.